0 “Prove It” – The First Single off the New Album is Here!

Ladies and gentlemen, after months and months (and months and months) of writing, rehearsing, preparing, recording, editing, mixing, and mastering, I am SO excited to release the first single off my upcoming album.

Prove It Artwork

“Prove It” is Track #2 on the album and one of my absolute favorites. It’s a good old fashioned Doo Wop song, a throwback to the days of beehives and bobby socks that I hope will set your toes a tapping.

You can download it through Bandcamp for FREE or ANY price you’d like to pay by clicking HERE.

And you can stream the track on the website audio player or at SoundCloud here:




0 The First Album Teaser is Here!

I am so, so excited to be able to give you this big sneak peek at the upcoming record. As you can tell, the whole team had a ton of fun recording the album, and we wanted to give you a look at all the behind the scenes action.

Samm Bahman, guitarist extraordinaire, and I shot pretty much all of the video ourselves, and Samm did an awesome job on the editing. Thanks, Samm!